Monday, 6 July 2009

FOR OUR YOUTUBE MEMBERS re; recent message sent to you

Well, here we’ve been busy creating the LR dailymotion and livevideo spaces, plus a blogger, twitter and digg etc. although they are all just a shell at the moment really and it seems the very first vid we put up on dailymotion was immediately removed…ah well…
Anyway here’s our list of new places…if you have one or more and would like to add us please do as they all are rather empty and stark right now!!!!!!






Most of the time not here on YT and not working through the production schedule for the 2010 LR video release, has been spent on growing and spreading the word about and it’s been going really well.

The vid attached to this message is Pt 1 of 6…the other 5 are on the Loveresurrection channel on Informationstation…yes a shameless effort to get many more people joining and reserving their favoured username too before its too late and taken!!!

From now on we shall often release new vids to info station BEFORE youTUBE after BETA is implemented or like this R.Fisk series, we’ll release part one here on YT and the remaining ones on I.Station until later when we’ll add to YT also…
If you support the growth of I.S perhaps you may consider doing something similar and of course adding the tag information station to all your existing vids…

To be clear…InformationStation is not LR’s site but we have partial admin there and are in touch with the anonymous backers there too. Backers who if we grow, are willing to continue to fund that growth as required. Nameless, faceless and with no demands either…except that it be for all always, never sold out or bought…period!...rare indeed!

Recently chat there has been enabled and apparently the I.S team are working on bringing VOIP there next which would be great.
The groups there continue to grow as does the content and membership. The site is not fully developed yet and this has been an intentional decision from the I.S team to allow them to watch and see the needs there as they grow and develop the site accordingly. The aim in the longer term is for I.S to be run by members for members and in the interests of its members and the broader population beyond as it gradually develops its real life projects….more soon but also note LR has a real life action group there too…again more soon…=)

Lastly for now, LR is going to try to send out a weekly-ish ‘newsletter’ similar to this, maybe in vid form or written at our blogger.
The aim is to communicate with many of you as possible including answering FAQ’s but also save time in writing hundreds of individual messages at a time when YT have capped our send limit to minute !!
We hope this meets with your approval and please let us know if you prefer a video blog (text scrolling) or a written blog to receive these updates?

Well dear friends for now we bid you a fine week ahead, look out for prominent sun related events tomorrow (7th July 2009) and finally we ask you all to give your selves jolly good pat on the back as in the past two weeks alone your LR family has grown from 400ish to over 700 subs and our friends are now well into the 1,000’s…
SO bless and thank you every one…And together we really are already the change we need…
and little by little our voice is being heard more and more each passing day…

Love and respect one and all
R, J & K

Thursday, 18 June 2009

A message from K - Because politely, we won't be SILENCED!!!

Are YOU part of it ?

Argument Clinic

Why? (do we give our power away)

Because believe it or not, the most powerful thing you can do is hust get on with it!!!


it’s K of Love resurrection

and right off, sorry about the mass message but i'm going to be sending this to thousands of friends across several different networks…some in areas you may not normallt associate with LR ...yet!!!

Soon this and similar messages will arriving in the inboxes of Approx 12,000 contacts to begin with so my fingers just had to give in to cut n paste!!!… say no more!


Love resurrection is looking for DEDICATED and TRUSTWORTHY volunteers in all areas of interest but clearly in co operation with LR channel themes…i.e that TOGETHER without riots or shouting or running about scaring people... THAT that WE are already the change we need!

I will not go into any details here and it will naturally take time to build trust together and develop the on and off line co-ordinated projects from small seeds to the visible future changing potential we have when we set aside differences and stop being victims, stop fighting among ourselves and instead just BE the nameless, faceless change we already are, every day, in every way…

So though this is vague, it is meant to be for now... and if it has in any way caught your attention and if you are dedicated, willing to work at the boring stuff to build swift but solid foundations of this project, are not afraid to try your hardest for very little reward each day then please let me know at the loveresurrection channel on Youtube or on Blogger etc.

ALSO...this is the first point of contact LoveResurrection e-mail and feel free to use it too! =)

Lastly the site is part of this project too and needs new members as well as people to head up various admin places and specific areas of expertise and knowledge.

Is that you? If so please contact us the same as above. =)


Please mark all messages about this ‘love resurrection KRJ” or it may not be seen !!! =(

Love all and if you stop for just one moment, really…stop for a second the voice that goes on and on in your mind and just listen, feel…and you will sense that the time when change is coming had long passed…and now what you hear is that you are already the change and its just time to step up and Live it Be it!’s time to become!!!

…in brotherhood, in sisterhood, in all colours, creeds, religions, beliefs and locations, Stand with me please, for I am but one woman, but I will stand with you to the last dawn and the first new light of humanity and I say Together…let the quickening be at an end and the beginning be yesterday!

Rise up in peaceful intent

Rise up and be!

Because LOVE does not mean pushover and RESURRECTION means it’s not over!

